25 September 2007


This morning, I received a MySpace message from a Gurrola in Portland, saying his grandfather - a Gurrola - had been born in Durango, Mexico, in 1917. My grandmother was a Gurrola, and she was born in Durango in 1921. This strange coincidence led me to once again try to find information about my great-grandfather, Tirso Gurrola. I've attempted before to research him online because he had been involved in the Cristero revolutions in Durango during the 1920s. I always figured something would come up - he was a rather significant individual, so I'd been told. But I was never able to find anything on him. Until today.

I found his name on the Mexican Congress website, in a section that contains minutes from Legislative sessions dating back to 1917: http://cronica.diputados.gob.mx/DDebates/32/1er/Ord/19261125.html

I've pasted the original Spanish excerpt below from a session that took place November 25, 1926, and the following is my translation:

State of Durango: The 2nd of October, the Chief of Military Operations in the state of Durango communicated that in the town of Santiago Bayacora, a rebel movement had taken place. A gang of approximately one hundred men was led up a nearby mountain by Knight of Columbus Cristero rebel Tirso Gurrola.

The Chief of Miliary Operations, a general from the Enrique León brigade, immediately went out to their location with armed forces from the 26th batallion and 76th regiment. The confrontation resulted in 10 casualties on the Cristero rebellion side. On the Government's side, General Domingo G. Martínez was wounded, and a sargeant and three soldiers were killed.

On the 19th, the rebels were defeated by the Colonel Fermín Núñez at the Hacienda de Capulín. Two rebels were killed, two were taken as prisoners, and a rifle was confiscated by the Government army. On the 21st, the Cristeros were once again defeated, resulting in the death of rebel Pedro Mora.

General Ismael Lares, who had gone with a group of 15 men on an expedition into the Durango mountain range, was caught by surprise in a Cristero ambush and was killed. This is what motivated the Chief of Military Operations to once again go out and pursue the rebels. On the 1st of November, he confronted the rebels in Arroyo del Agua, killing two rebels and confiscating 6 rifles, 60 horses, 10 llamas, 30 burros, 40 various stolen livestock, 70 saddles, and food provisions.

All of the killed rebels had scapulars bearing the image and inscription ordained by the Knights of Columbus. After this last event, Tirso Gurrola's rebellion had completely dispersed. Tirso Gurrola had fled and his whereabouts were unknown.

In the state of Durango, the Government continues to search for dispersed rebels -- the only rebels that remain in the entire country -- with the certainty than in a few days, they will be completely exterminated.

"Estado de Durango: El dos de octubre, el jefe de las operaciones militares en el Estado comunica que en el pueblo de Santiago Bayacora había tenido lugar un movimiento encabezado por el Caballero de Colón Tirso Gurrola y una chusma compuesta de más o menos cien hombres, que se remontaron a una sierra inmediata. El jefe de las operaciones militares en el Estado, general de brigada Enrique León, salió inmediatamente con fuerzas del 26 batallón y 76 regimiento, al lugar de los acontecimientos, teniendo contacto con el enemigo, a quien se le hicieron diez muertos. Por otra parte del Gobierno resultó herido el general Domingo G. Martínez; un sargento segundo y tres soldados, muertos. El 19 fueron batidos por el coronel Fermín Núñez, en la hacienda de Capulín, haciéndoles dos muertos y dos prisioneros y recogiéndoles una carabina. El día 21 fueron batidos nuevamente, muriendo el rebelde Pedro Mora. El general Ismael Lares, que con un grupo de quince hombres salió a expedicionar por la sierra de Durango, fue sorprendido en una emboscada, quedando muerto en el campo; por este motivo, el jefe de las operaciones militares salió nuevamente a perseguir a los rebeldes, habiendo tomado contacto el día primero de noviembre con este grupo, en Arroyo del Agua, haciéndoles dos muertos y quitándoles seis carabinas, sesenta caballos. diez acémilas, treinta burros, cuarenta cabezas de ganado que se habían robado, setenta monturas y algunas provisiones de boca. Todos los muertos del enemigo llevaban escapularios imágenes y la leyenda ordenada por los Caballeros de Colón, quedando con esta acción completamente dispersada la gavilla de Tirso Gurrola, quien según informa el jefe de las operaciones militares, ha huído, ignorándose su paradero.
En el Estado de Durango, se continúa persiguiendo a los dispersos de Gurrola, únicos que quedan en la República, teniendo la seguridad de que en breves días quedarán completamente exterminados."


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